This is a complicated topic, and I have a lot of feelings, opinions, and personal experience of my own that bring to the topic with me—so in that regard, I certainly cannot claim to be an “objective thinker” on this topic.
But, it strikes me that “Zero Suicide” is not a goal to be strived for. I believe that instilling the idea of personal freedom and choice should be taught and granted to each living being.
All actions can be taken for either the right or wrong reasons. If a clear-headed individual wants to responsibly choose to end their existence, they should be supported and their choice be viewed with respect and compassion. Just as the person who is driven to suicide out of depression, mental illness and/or hopelessness should have the support they need to heal, rather than be abandoned as a lost cause and be left to take their own lives out of sadness and their perceived lack-of-option.