Should You Wish To Continue Living

Do so for yourself, do so freely, do so well.

Douglas Balmain
4 min readApr 26, 2019
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Perhaps there was a time,
a time long before you or I,
when it was acceptable —
possible —
to shoulder the load of another;

to carry the beings that would not carry themselves
without greater consequence.

That time was long ago —
if ever.

Those who will not carry themselves,
those who will not think,
are no longer passive weight.

They’ve been utilized,
made busy —
converted into fuel,
generating energy for an ever-more capable —
and contrary —

All but the minuscule minority,
no longer impactful,
generate enough productive work
to warrant their mass.


Should you wish to continue living,
for what time is left,
for any reason —
or none at all —

